How Much Time Should You Spend on Marketing?

How much time should you spend on marketing? It depends on your situation.

Growth Goals

If rapid growth is your goal, you’ll need to invest a substantial amount of time in marketing. Slower growth goals require less time. According to the 2024 Marketing Study, high-growth advisors spend 15% of their workweek on marketing, while others spend around 10% (Page 9).

Budget Considerations

A smaller marketing budget means you’ll need to dedicate more personal time to marketing activities. As your budget grows, you can allocate funds for staff, outsourcing, passive marketing like advertising, or technology such as marketing automation, reducing the time you need to spend directly.

Business Stage

New advisory businesses need to devote significant time to marketing to build a client base. Once your business reaches a sustainable level, you can reduce the time spent on marketing by relying more on referrals, word of mouth, or outsourcing.

Finding the right balance will depend on your practice’s goals, budget, and growth stage.


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