Vince Lummus
If OnNiche® has a numbers question, they turn to Vince for the answer.
Vince’s expertise is accounting. He works behind the scenes to manage invoicing, accounts payable, monthly reconciliation, and financial reports. He’ll reach out to our clients whenever they have invoicing questions or if a credit card has expired.
Vince serves as OnNiche®’s liaison with its human relations vendor and is responsible for payroll and basic HR administration. He also coordinates with the firm’s tax accountant and banking relationships.
B.S. in Accounting, William Paterson University
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) (Retired)
Started working with us in 2014
Is technically a contractor, but has worked with us so long, he joins the team at holiday parties and other events
Travels regularly with his husband
Has a large, 10-year-old, orange tabby cat named Zach, who weighs 13 pounds (all muscle)
Counts his 2016 safari in Southern Africa as his favorite travel experience
Closer to home, is passionate about growing orchids and plumeria