Adopt a Quarterly Marketing Plan Cadence for Better Results

According to the 2024 Marketing Study, 58% of advisors do not have a consistent marketing planning process (Page 15). In my experience, those who do have one tend to rely on annual plans, which often fall short. These plans typically focus on broad objectives rather than specific actions, leaving too much room for procrastination.

In our OnNiche® program, we invite advisors to participate in quarterly marketing planning sessions after launching their niche. We find that quarterly planning is more manageable and adaptable. As Brian Moran explains in ”The 12 Week Year,” shorter planning cycles increase accountability. This makes it easier to adjust strategies and helps ensure consistent progress toward your goals. This quarterly focus keeps you on track and leads to more tangible results.

As we near the end of the third quarter, now is the perfect time to adopt a quarterly cadence and create your fourth-quarter marketing plan.


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