The Best Way to Spend Your Marketing Dollars

Allocating your marketing budget is always challenging. How do you know what is worth the investment? While marketing should be viewed as an ongoing cycle of experimentation and refinement, here are some rules of thumb for where to spend your marketing dollars:

  1. Focus on campaigns that directly reach your niche rather than spreading your budget across general marketing tactics.

  2. Spend on tactics that help build your marketing database of ideal niche prospects for ongoing nurturing.

  3. Invest in passive lead generation options, such as online “find an advisor” directories or search engine optimization, that don’t require much maintenance after the initial setup.

  4. Spend money on resources that save you time, such as a virtual marketing assistant or marketing automation software.

  5. Hire coaches or sign up for marketing programs that will teach you how to accelerate your progress.

  6. Outsource tasks you can’t handle yourself, like web development, search engine optimization, and graphic design.

Following these guidelines will increase your chances of investing in high-impact marketing efforts.


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